Summer Camp

The Brigade Youth Program collaborates with the Barbara C. Harris Episcopal Summer Camp in New Hampshire and we encourage Brockton youth to attend this summer camp. Over the years, this one-week experience has been a transformative opportunity for children, many of whom have never had the chance to meet people outside their neighborhood. At camp, they engage with children from other parts of New England and camp counselors from overseas.

Parents interested in having their children attend summer camp should fill out the form below or register directly on the camp’s website.

FEES: Normally, the camp fees cost $600 per child for the one week. Grace Chapel, through the BCH Campership program and scholarship funding from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, will make sure that no child is denied the opportunity of this life-transforming experience. However, we ask parents to try and make their own contributions no matter how little.

Register Here

Also, secure your child’s registration by making the $50 transportation fee/per child below. Remember it is first come first serve.

Thank you